Teaching Experiences
1. Rock and Tool Interaction (MI60210) (New Course Introduced) 2. Mining Machinery and Automation (MI31203)
3. Mining Machinery Laboratory (MI39203)
4. Engineering Drawing and Computer Graphics (CE13003)
5. Rock Dynamics (MI60064/MI60218)
6. Bulk Material Handling (MI62001)
7. Drilling Technology (MI60032)
8. Mine Surveying Laboratory (MI29202/MI29002)
9. Safety Engineering Laboratory (MI49001)
10. Safety Health and Environment Laboratory IV (MI69010)
11. Planning and Design Laboratory (MI49201)
Institute Administrative Responsibilities
Core Committee Member of Induction Program 2024.
Institute Representative for Joint Entrance Examination 2024.
Assistant Warden of VSRC-2 from May 2024-Present.
External Examiner in Structures Panel for Aerospace Engineering Department, MTech, and Dual Degree Thesis Evaluation for the year 2024.
Organising Secretary of the International Conference on Safety, Health and Analytics-Driven Governance for Sustainable Development” (SHADG2024) organized by Center of Excellence - Safety Engineering and Analytics (CoE-SEA), IIT Kharagpur held from 29-30 January 2024.
Honorary Secretary of Kharagpur Local Centre, Institution of Engineers (India) for the session 2023-2025.
Member of the Dias Management Committee in the 69th Convocation 2023 of IIT Kharagpur.
Assistant Warden of Sir Ashutosh Mukherjee (SAM) Guest House and Bachelor Flat-1 from April 2023-Present.
Organizer of International Women's Day 2023 and 2024, IIT Kharagpur.
Member of the Dias Management Committee in the 68th Convocation 2022 of IIT Kharagpur.
Faculty mentor for the Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration: IIT Kharagpur Local Chapter.
Organizer of International Women's Day 2022, IIT Kharagpur going to be held from 6th-8th March 2022.
Member of the IoE Review Committee.
Member of Central Research Facility, IIT Kharagpur.
Associated Member of Center of Excellence - Safety Engineering and Analytics (CoE-SEA).
Assistant Warden of Sarojini Naidu/Indira Gandhi Hall of Residence 2021-2023.
Co-Convener and Organizing secretary of "International Conference on Maintenance and Intelligent Asset Management 2021 (ICMIAM2021)" going to be held from 12-15 December 2021.
Coordinator of 1st Webinar series on "Systems and Practices during a Pandemic: Experiences and Learning’s from COVID 2nd Wave" organized by Asset Management Society India.
Co-Convener and Organiser of Post-SMART2020 Webinar Workshop on Safety in Mining and SMART Technology.
Executive Member of Kharagpur Local Centre, Institution of Engineers (India) for the session 2021-2023
Joint Secretary of International Women's Day 2021, IIT Kharagpur held from 6th-8th March 2021.
Secretary of an International Webinar "SMART 2020" held from 16-18th December 2020.
Member of Gender Environment Committee, IIT Kharagpur.
Departmental Administrative Responsibilities
Co-convener of the International Conference on Geo-Resorces Engineering, Energy and Nature (GREEN) 2025 organized by the Department of Mining Engineering, IIT Kharagpur (Date: TBA).
In charge of the Mining Machinery Laboratory (2020-Till Present).
Member of Building Infrastructure Committee in the Department of Mining Engineering, IIT Kharagpur (2023-Present).
Member of the Faculty Search Committee, Department of Mining Engineering, IIT Kharagpur (2020-23).
Faculty advisor to Dual Degree students of the batch with 2020 entry (2020-Till Present).
Departmental Time Table In-Charge (2020-Till Present).
Departmental ERP In-Charge (2020-Till Present).
Member of Departmental Purchase Committee (2020-Till Present).
Honours and Awards
Session Co-Chair in Session 2 of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Analytics (ICONIEA 2024) organized by the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE), Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur from 12th -16th February 2024.
Session Co-Chair in Session 1 and Session 3 of the International Conference on Safety, Health and Analytics-Driven Governance for Sustainable Development” (SHADG2024) organized by Center of Excellence - Safety Engineering and Analytics (CoE-SEA), IIT Kharagpur.
SERB International Travel Grant for participating in ISRM Congress 2023 held from 9-14 October 2023 in Salzburg, Austria.
Guest Editor in MGMI Transaction Journals for the upcoming special issue of SMART 2020 on the theme "Safety and Occupational Health".
Nominated by INAE, India for Poster Presentation at National Frontiers of Engineering 2023 Conclave under the aegis of INAE- SERB conclave on “Atmanirbhar Technologies –Engineering Secured Future” hosted by BIT, Mesra, Ranchi.
Institute of Engineers India (IEI) Young Engineers Award 2021-22 in Mining Engineering Discipline.
Session Co-Chair in Session 1 of Track 3 of the International Conference on Maintenance and Intelligent Asset Management 2021 (ICMIAM2021) held from 12-15 December 2021.
Nominated for Erasmus+ ICM KA 107 to Universidad Santiago de Compostela.
Visiting Ph.D. student to HEMI Laboratory, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, U.S.A. - Selected through Indo-U.S. Women Overseas Student Internship in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Medicine (WISTEMM) Program 2018 Call Awards - September 2018 to January 2019, Advisor: Prof. K.T. Ramesh.
Visiting Ph.D. student to Centre for Advanced Structural Analysis (CASA), NTNU-Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway - May 2018 to July 2018, Advisor: Prof. Tore Borvik and Prof. Magnus Langseth.
DST International Travel Grant for participating in RocDyn-3, An International Conference on Rock Dynamics and Applications held on 25-29 June 2018 in NTNU, Trondheim, Norway.
ICEM 2018 Conference Attendance Award at the 18th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics going to be held in Brussels, Belgium from 1-5 July 2018.
Best poster award (Defence domain) in Industry day 2017 in Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi.
CSIR Travel Grant for participating in EUROCK 2017, An International ISRM Conference held on 20-22 June in Ostrava-Poruba, Czech Republic.
Best paper award in ARM9 - 9th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium "Harmonizing Rock Mechanics with Sustainable Economic Development", 18-20 October 2016, Bali, Indonesia.
Honoured with Gold Medal from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT-ISM) Dhanbad for Best Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology Graduate of the year - 2014.
List of Invited Talks Delivered
Invited Talk on "Size Effect on Dynamic Behaviour of Rocks." at ISRM Commission on Rock Dynamics Seminars going to be held on 11th September 2024.
Invited Seminar on "High Strain Rate Characterisation of Rocks and its Application in Blast Analysis of Tunnels." at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan on 11th December 2023.
Invited Seminar on "High Strain Rate Characterisation of Rocks and its Application in Blast Analysis of Tunnels." at National Metallurgical Laboratory, Jamshedpur on 30th May 2023.
Invited Seminar on "High Strain Rate Characterisation of Rocks and its Application in Blast Analysis of Tunnels." at IIT Kharagpur-NYCU, Taiwan Lecture Series on 10th February 2023.
Guest Lecture on "High Strain Rate Characterisation of Rocks and its Application in Blast Analysis of Tunnels." at Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway on 13th June 2018.
Invited Lecture on "Experimental Stress Analysis and Crashworthiness of Vehicle." at Maruti Suzuki Limited, Gurgaon, India.
List of Invited Members of Eminent Academic/Regulatory Bodies
Member of the International Society of Rock Mechanics (ISRM) Commission of Rock Dynamics.
Judge in Regional Level Science, Mathematics and Environment Exhibition for Children 2022-23 and 50th Rashtriaya Bal Vaigyanik Pradarshini 2023 at KV IIT Kharagpur.
Member of Diamond Core and Water Well Drilling Sectional Committee in the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS).
President of Asset Management Society of India, Kharagpur Local Chapter.
Board of Studies Member of the Mechanical Engineering Department at Gandhi Institute of Technological Advancements, Bhubaneswar.
International Journal of Impact Engineering
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Shock and Vibration
Arabian Journal of Geosciences
Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering
Advances in Civil Engineering
Geomechanics and Engineering, An International Journal
Materials Today Communications
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment
Construction and Building Materials
Indian Geotechnical Journal
Journal of Building Engineering
GIAN Course, India
Individual Membership of International Society of Rock Mechanics (ISRM)
Associate Member of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
Individual Member of International Society of Impact Engineering
Lifetime Associate Member of Institute of Engineers, India.