Research Projects
1. ​Project Title: A Study on the Dynamic Tensile Response of Rocks and its Application in Blast Analysis of
Subsurface Structures.
Funding Agency: Start-up Research Grant (SRG), Science and Engineering Research Board, India
Amount and Duration: INR 29,97,500/- (January 2021 - December 2022)
Status: Completed
2. Project Title: Development of Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar Device to Assess Fracture Propagation in Notched Rock Specimen.
Funding Agency: Institute Scheme for Innovative Research and Development (ISIRD), IIT Kharagpur India.
Amount and Duration: INR 42,60,169/- (June 2021 - June 2024)
Status: Completed
3. Project Title: Development of an Unconventional Flapping-based Sediment-Aeration System for the Brackish
Water Aquaculture.
Funding Agency: Device Development Programme (DDP), Department of Science and Technology India.
Amount and Duration: INR 48,66,440/- (Sept 2021 - Sept 2024)
Status: Completed
4. Project Title: Thermo-Mechanical Characterization of Rock Under Dynamic Loading Conditions
Funding Agency: Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences, Department of Science and Technology India.
Amount and Duration: INR 47,62,600/- (Oct 2023 - Sept 2026)
Status: Ongoing
1. Project Title: Understanding the RockBurst Phenomenon and its Impact on Mining Activities, Sites and
Funding Agency: RocSearch India Private Limited.
Status: Completed
2. Project Title: Determination of Parting in between Old Workings of Borachak (R-VIII) Seam and 3rd Top X -
Cut, 9L of 14 Dip and 111 of 19 Dip of the Same Seam.
Funding Agency: Eastern Coalfields Limited, India.
Status: Completed
3. Project Title: Feasibility Study for Extracting Processed OB/sand from Overburden of Eastern Coalfield
Funding Agency: Eastern Coalfields Limited, India.
Status: Completed
4. Project Title: Scientific Study for Prediction of Subsidence and Estimation of Surface Strain Values by 3D
Numerical Modelling for Goleti 1 & 1A Incline Mine of BPA area, SCCL.
Funding Agency: The Singareni Collieries Company Limited.
Status: Completed
5. Project Title: Scientific Study for Prediction of Subsidence and Estimation of Surface Strain Values by 3D
Numerical Modelling for RK-6, RK-NT, RK-7, RK-8, and SRP OC II Projects of Srirampur Area, SCCL.
Funding Agency: The Singareni Collieries Company Limited.
Status: Completed
6. Project Title: Scientific Study for Stability of the Barrier Pillars between GDK No. 5 & GDK No. 11 Incline, GDK
No. 5 & RG OCP III and GDK No. 5 and GDK No. 2&2A in respect of the Proposed GDK Coal Mine
(No 2&2A and 5) of RG-1 Area, SCCL.
Funding Agency: The Singareni Collieries Company Limited.
Status: Completed
7. Project Title: Stabilization with all Preparatory Work on Drilling, Supervision, Stabilization, Monitoring the Effectiveness of the Filing Technique and Certification for Long Term Stability with Submission of Report for an Unstable Stretch of Ratibati Colliery DB Road approx. 550m in Length under Satgram Area of ECL for Implementation of Raniganj Master Plan.
Funding Agency: Eastern Coalfields Limited, India.
Status: Completed
8. Project Title: Determination of In-situ Coal Specific Gravity for Different Seams under Mines of Satgram Area.
Funding Agency: Eastern Coalfields Limited, India.
Status: Completed
9. Project Title: Scientific Study of Use of Bottom Ash (of Thermal Plant) for Underground Stowing Purposes in
Place of Sand.
Funding Agency: Eastern Coalfields Limited, India.
Status: Completed
10. Project Title: ROPS and FOPS Testing of Twin Bolter Canopy as per ISO Standard at 2M TQM Center Project.
Funding Agency: 2M Research Private Limited MIDC.
Status: Completed
11. Project Title: Scientific Study on Subsidence Management over CM Panel - 2 of R V Seam, Jhanjra Project
Colliery, Jhanjra Area.
Funding Agency: Eastern Coalfields Limited, India.
Status: Completed
12. Project Title: Scientific Study for Determination of RMR, Sodepur Area.
Funding Agency: Eastern Coalfields Limited, India.
Status: Completed
13. Project Title: Determination of RMR at 15LW Development District in Sripur Seam R VI of Dhemomain Pit
Colliery under Sodepur Area MS Eastern Coalfields Limited.
Funding Agency: Eastern Coalfields Limited, India.
Status: Completed
14. Project Title: Scientific Study to Undertake Pit Slope Stability Analysis of Intermediate and Final Benches and
OB Dump Slope Stability Analysis at RGOC-1, RG-3 area, SCCL.
Funding Agency: The Singareni Collieries Company Limited.
Status: Ongoing
15. Project Title: Scientific study on the method of working, ultimate pit slope, dump slope and monitoring of
slope stability as per Regulation 106 (2) of CMR 2017 at Parbelia Colliery under Sodepur Area,
Funding Agency: Eastern Coalfields Limited, India.
Status: Completed
16. Project Title: Scientific study for the protective works related to Parbelia colliery, Sodepur Area, ECL as per
Regulation 122 of CMR 2017 at Parbelia Colliery under Sodepur Area, ECL.
Funding Agency: Eastern Coalfields Limited, India.
Status: Completed
17. Project Title: Scientific study for ultimate pit slope, dump slope, and monitoring of slope stability in accordance with Reg. 106 (2) with DGMS (Tech.) Cir. No. 03 of 2020, Dhanbad, dated 16.01.2020 and Circular No.2 of 2020 Dhanbad dated 09.01.2020* at Bonjemihary OCP.
Funding Agency: Eastern Coalfields Limited, India.
Status: Ongoing